Tuesday 5 July 2011

The importance of being Bieber?

Apparently it’s not just me who thinks he sounds like a 12 year old girl, and in fact, I know 12 year old girls with deeper voices.

Below is a ‘funny coz it’s true’ piece from www.fashionista.com – hysterical!!

Despite his ability to attract a crowd of a zillion screeching tweens, to sell perfumed dog tags and nail polish, and to generally wreak havoc wherever he goes, there’s something the Biebs can’t do: sell magazines.

WWD reports this morning that his February 2011 Vanity Fair cover was the worst-selling issue for the glossy in 12 years. Selling just 246,000 copies, which is almost 100,000 copies less than Vanity Fair‘s average, the issue was a massive flop for the magazine. While this is perhaps not surprising (because what 11-year-old seeks out Vanity Fair?), the superstar’s mug can’t sell more age-appropriate magazines either.

Apparently even Teen Vogue‘s readers aren’t into the Biebs. Bieber’s’ October 2010 Teen Vogue cover was also a dud, WWD reports, selling just 121,054 issues, which is 12% less than its average sales that year.

Even the tabs are having a problem. People‘s April 2010, which featured Bieber on the cover, sold 25% less than its average sales. Rolling Stone and US Weekly also recently featured the crooner, but those stats aren’t available yet. We’re thinking that editors may start avoiding Bieber–at least for covers–like the plague.

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