Tuesday 3 May 2011

'The best invention...EVER!'

While milling around at some stage on the long weekend, I bumped into a friend of mine who couldn't wait to tell me about 'the most amaing product...EVER!'. Turns out this be-all-and-end-all of products was dry shampoo. 'Have you ever heard of it?' she asks. Erm, how to answer politely and explain to her that I've had family sending me Batiste from Boots for years. Bless her little uninformed heart!

So for the rest of you who've been living under a rock (and not washing your hair on the days you're running late...you know who you are), here are the 3 best dry shampoos available on our shores. Yes, a whole 3, and you can get them all from Clicks...

Batiste Dry Shampoo, R54.95

Toni&Guy Refreshing Dry Shampoo, R99.95

TRESemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo, R59.95

Before you go off in search of this wonder product, please can I just warn you that these will only absorb excess grease and odour - they won't clean your hair like regular shampoo. So only use them in time-restraint emergencies, because we can tell (and smell) when you're just being lazy and a bit gross.

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